Type: PT-100
Make: Aavad
Accuracy: Class A
Configuration: Simplex,
No. of wire: 2 Wire
Tip od: 4 mm
Tip length: 15 mm
Material of contraction: SS316
Temperature range: 300℃
Cable insulation: FG/FG/SS
Cable length: 2 Meter
Shape: L -Type
Type: PT-100
Make: Aavad
Accuracy: Class A
Configuration: Simplex,
No. of wire: 2 Wire
Tip od: 4 mm
Tip length: 15 mm
Material of contraction: SS316
Temperature range: 300℃
Cable insulation: FG/FG/SS
Cable length: 2 Meter
Shape: L -Type
Type: PT-100
Make: Aavad
Accuracy: Class A
Configuration: Simplex,
No. of wire: 2 Wire
Tip od: 4 mm
Tip length: 15 mm
Material of contraction: SS316
Temperature range: 300℃
Cable insulation: FG/FG/SS
Cable length: 2 Meter
Shape: L -Type